Dear Readers,

The roast on Monday was unbelievable, but the show last night may have topped it. Friends, family, and friends of friends and family all came out to Mottley’s, and we SOLD OUT the show! Gahhhh!!!!

The crowd was full of people from my childhood, college friends, coworkers, my aunt, and a ton of comics coming out to support us. The room was jammed full, and the energy was ridiculous.

Thanks to all the comics who went on and killed it (Jon Lincoln, Brian Moote, Shaun Bedgood, Chris Coxen, Renata Tutko, Dan Boulger, Ken Reid, and Tim McIntire). The show was amazing, beginning to end. Shawn Donovan got a huge applause for the story of Benefoot: The Comedy Show To Benefit the Museum of Cryptozoology.

At the end of the show, Tim, one of the clubs owners, and a terrific headliner brought out a Superbowl style board of squares and offered to sell audience members squares of where on the road we will get raped. This chart will travel with us, and every time we leave a town where we did not get raped, we will X off the corresponding square and post a picture. Cross your fingers for all X’s!

Then Tim brought Jon Lincoln on stage, and they offered us all of the money the club took in from the show, plus donations from some comics. All in all, they gave us nearly 800 dollars, which will pay for most of our gas money. I could hardly speak, I was so grateful.

In summation, please vote Mottley’s as Boston’s Best Comedy Club in the Boston Phoenix Poll.

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